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Our Senior Adults (age 55+) ministry provides opportunities to connect with each other and grow together in Christ. We enjoy Wednesday morning Bible Study classes and prayer time. Our senior adults also serve in various church ministries. Being part of the Senior Adults Ministry will help you to build deep friendships, grow spiritually, find meaningful ministry opportunities and receive resources to meet your needs in the second half of life.
Here’s what we’re about:
Fellowship – there are many ways to have fellowship, but our main purpose for fellowship is found in 1 John 1:7.
Encouragement – All of us need be encouraged. Seniors face many challenges as age creeps up on us (see Hebrews 10:25)
Friendship - We are all about building relationships (see Proverbs 17:17).
Compassion – We want to be people of compassion!
Outreach – we believe our best days of making a difference are still ahead! Senior Adult Ministry offers opportunities to touch lives and make an impact for Christ.
Senior Bible Study meets on Wednesdays at 10AM in the Sanctuary at 12 E. Fairview Avenue.
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